Even though you never want to imagine that your small business could get sued, the truth is that it’s incredibly common. That’s why it’s important that you are hyper-aware of all the reasons you could potentially get sued for.
In order to make sure that you avoid getting sued yourself, it’s best to know some of the most common reasons why small businesses find themselves in lawsuits. Take a look at why most companies are sued.
Accidents and Injuries
There’s always a risk that something can go wrong in your place of business. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you look out for hazards constantly. That means that your flooring should be clean and non-slippery, and any obstructions should be cleared from the walkway.
It’s not just important to look out for your employees, either. You also need to look out for your customers. Anytime someone injures themselves on your property, you’re considered responsible. Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common for businesses. In fact, many trucking companies also get sued due to road accidents caused by distracted drivers. In such cases, it is best to seek legal assistance from attorneys who are well-versed with related laws. You can read more about law here and see how truck accident lawyers can streamline legal proceedings.
There’s a good reason why most businesses have a human resources department. An HR Department guarantees that everyone clearly understands what’s expected of them. Everyone needs to act appropriately in the workplace, between both fellow employees and employers.
Anyone who feels that they’ve been harassed should be taken very seriously. If someone feels like a victim of harassment and their complaints aren’t taken seriously, you could find yourself in a lot of legal hot water as an employer.
Many small business owners find themselves in the middle of wage disputes. It’s important that you know exactly how much you should be paying your employees and what the overtime rates are. Employees who are working over a certain amount of time must be paid a certain amount.
There are also regulations for how many breaks employees should have throughout the workday. It’s critical that you familiarize yourself with these laws to avoid costly litigation.
Discrimination in the workplace is still incredibly common despite recent social progression. It’s not only important that you avoid discrimination with your current employees, but you should also avoid discrimination when going through the hiring process.
You may never inquire about certain questions which could be considered discriminatory. If you’re not sure what could be considered discrimination, then it is highly suggested that you get familiar with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s guidelines.
Employees who feel that their position has been unlawfully terminated may end up pressing charges. It’s important that anytime you terminate an employee’s contract that you can back up the reasons why you did it.
Otherwise, you could find yourself in serious trouble in court. The last thing you want is to find yourself with a poor reputation as an employer.