Hey everyone! Arshad Madhani checking in here. I’m an Atlanta, GA based digital marketing consultant with over a decade of experience. I’m always going over things with entrepreneurs from every walk of life. I am always being recommended new tools to try out that will really help out with overall productivity. Out of all the ones I’ve tried, here is a look at the five tools I think are the absolute best right now.
Since both of these are free, I recommend getting both of these tools in order to help collect payment quickly and easily. These are the two best ways to process cashless payments at any time. Not only can you have an individual accounts, but entrepreneurs should look into business accounts as well. This allows for invoices to be sent, and other very useful tools in just about any field. There is really no time for the old way to make and receive payments these days.
Google Flights
I’m always traveling to conferences and to meet clients and have come to terms with traveling being inevitable as an entrepreneur, but traveling does not have to be expensive. There are a lot of tools out there to find the best and cheapest flights, but Google Flights is my favorite. It is very straightforward, and it is extremely easy to use. People can opt for notifications, or they can simply check on a consistent basis.
I routinely save $50 flights when using Google Flights, and sometimes much more. It truly is amazing, and the only way to shop flights in my opinion.
How do you plan on increasing #Productivity this year? Here are some tips I shared with @StartUp_Life . ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #entrepreneurship #businesstipshttps://t.co/lTpnjS8WQ4 pic.twitter.com/kWf1YWvRY7
— Arshad Madhani (@ArshadMadhani) January 6, 2019
Project management software has certainly come a long way since I first started. Asana is the best on the market, as it allows for the best type of organization in general. I constantly have a lot of different projects going on, and this allows me to stay organized in every way. Without something like Asana, my weeks would probably be at least 5 to 10 hours longer.
Being able to handle project management is essential for any entrepreneur. The last thing a person wants is to be completely over their head or swamped with work. Asana helps me, and a lot of others out there, stay on task and get results on a consistent basis.
Communication is key when working as a team, but more and more entrepreneurs are working with people all over the world. Slack is the best solution to dealing with all the different issues with everyone working remotely.
What I really like about Slack is that you can have different channels for just about anything. This not only allows for great productivity and organization, but it even helps to separate silly banter throughout the day with serious business. It’s not all about hard work in Slack, so have a channel or two to talk about other interests with team members can keep morale high.
As one can already tell, I’m big on organization. So of course, this is another tool to really keep everything as organized as possible. I am always scheduling meetings with different people, and it can be very difficult to organize them all. While some might be fortunate enough to rely on a secretary to handle things, I use Calendly as my own type of secretary.
What I’ve noticed since using Calendly is that people are able to make appointments with me much easier than before. There were so many times in the past in which I could not meet with people for days and even weeks. Not only do I have more appointments than ever, but it is taking up a lot less time. I can certainly get behind that.
Along with these five, I’m always using a bunch of tools to help make my day more efficient. I like to share a lot of my tips along the way, so following me on Facebook and Twitter are the best ways to keep up with me. I also have my own website at www.arshadmadhani.com if readers want to check that out.
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