For a motivated person with a great idea, getting a startup off of the ground comes almost naturally. However, once that business is off the ground, many businesses stagnate and do not grow to their full potential because they do not understand marketing because marketing is not intuitive.
Mint Global Marketing is a team of marketing professionals with decades of experience in crafting targeted marketing strategies. They’ve helped countless businesses and brands get their feet wet in the marketing world and take the leap necessary to see real, organic growth.
We interviewed one of these clients and talked to them about their experience with Mint Global, and here is what they had to say.
Before we talk about Mint Global Marketing, tell me a bit about your business, how was it running before you worked with them?
I started a drop ship business, and at first it went fantastic. I’m from a small town, so a couple of Facebook posts and a nice website was all it took to hit that initial boom.
I was really excited, after the first year but then things kind of slowed down and my business hit a rough patch, the floor kept getting lower and lower. I wasn’t really sure why but it kind of clicked that it doesn’t matter how good my product is if I can’t market it well and reach people beyond my town.
Why did you decide to work with Mint Global out of all other marketing firms?
What first stood out to me was their website. Call me a sucker but their website looks gorgeous.
It looks so professional and it functions so well, and it was the best website out of every marketing firm I checked out honestly. And I think if any business should have a great website, it should be a marketing business.
But the thing that hooked me and helped me settle on them, is their cost per sale program. It felt like okay, this minimizes the risk quite a bit. They also helped me determine which social media platform works for specific business.
What did Mint Global Marketing do for you that you don’t think anyone else could’ve done?
There are a lot of benefits in working with Mint Global Marketing. They have so many resources and connections. They also have a lot of knowledge, of course.
I’m not sure that anyone could’ve given me the advice or known which steps to take like they did. Anyone could know the terms and just throw a bunch of marketing tricks into a hat and pick one, but I feel like they pinpointed what my specific business and me personally needed. I
n this case, they hooked me up with an influencer who I still work with to this day.
How is your business performing now? After Mint Global’s job was done, did your business regress in any way or did it maintain its market cap and popularity?
It’s performing better than it was when I first started! I feel reinvigorated and am motivated again. After we did our campaign, I saw huge growth, and made a lot more sales.
It has of course lowered a little but not nearly as much as it did in the beginning. My business is still selling a lot more than it ever did. Once I’m ready for another growth spurt, I’ll be seeking out their services again.
Overall, was it worth the price?
It’s the second-best investment I’ve ever made. My best investment was starting my business.