Everyone has their reasons for subscribing to something as crucial as car insurance every month, it could be because you are a new driver or because you like to play it safe and have peace-of-mind in case something goes wrong like your car gets broken into or stolen or perhaps worse-case-scenario and you or a family member is involved in a fender bender with another car. Even though it may seem like an option, more often than none, it is the better decision to get one as it is risk management that a lot of people should consider. Unfortunately, the cost of car insurance can be high and it can be difficult to find the best one for you when looking around.
However, it doesn’t stop there. There is hope! – We have a solution for you, below are a few ways in which you can find the cheapest quotes on the market.
Usually, your ‘Premium’ is based on how much of a risk or liability, the insurers perceive you to be. For instance, it could be based on how likely they think you will be to make a claim, high possibility vs low possibility, this is derived through a few different checks that they are legally required to do. If you have any doubt about this, there are some reliable and professional sources such as this Policy Reviews website, that can help you clarify any confusions. In the case where the person applying for the insurance has just received their drivers’ licence, they will pay more, until they can prove they are a stable driver upon renewal of the policy.
What to Look Out For:
1. Look into a Third-Party Only Policy: Which covers damage to other cars, in the case where it may be your fault, but not items such as theft. This is one option to look into, which will be the cheapest one. However, it’s good to note that they may not provide the full-cover that you need such as a comprehensive policy, which is more costly.
2. Compare More Than One Supplier: when you decide to get your insurance, it is always advisable to do a comparison of a few different quotes from multiple suppliers. You may never know which one is the cheapest for everything you need. If you’re strapped for time, you can find a comparison site that will do this for you. To see how it works check out this online source as an example https://www.moneysupermarket.com/car-insurance/.
3. Look for The Missed Ones Too: We like those comparison sites because they make life a lot easier for everyone. However, this may sound like a contrasting statement; do also look into the ones that are not on that comparison list. Some sites do not capture the entire market and the search results may only be for larger companies, so we would say once you have done your comparison search. Just for peace of mind, do another one in your online browser. Some search phrase you can use are “cheapest car insurance quotes” or “highly-recommended and reasonable insurance quotes” or just “cheapest insurance quotes” for instance.
4. Cashback Option: Asking the provider if they have a cashback option, may not be a bad idea, as some of them do offer this. This would normally be in their fine print but the best thing to do is ask. However, point to note is that deals like these usually come from a cash-back website as opposed to the insurer itself.
5. Don’t Settle for The Lesser Amount: As with everything in life, if you want to get by spending the least amount of money, they usually need to be some haggling involved. With car insurance, it’s the same. Once you have found the quotes online and reached out to the insurer’s, there is no harm in trying to negotiate a lesser (or better) premium. Especially in cases where you will be renewing the policy for another couple of years, this is a good option. Sometimes if your signing onto a new provider, this may not be advisable.
6. Deals Can Be Good: A lot of the times, because this niche is so competitive, the insurers have deals that may be so good to be true, but they are for real. This is something you can keep in mind as well when searching for cheaper car insurance. Examples of some deals are ‘free or discounted retail vouchers for a certain amount once you sign up with them’ or ‘Pay-by-mile credit of a certain amount’ which charges only for each mile that you drive as opposed to pay-how-you-drive, which is another payment plan some insurers offer. It is similar to your phone when you can pay-as-you-go. Here is some information for you to take a look at online.
Finally, it is fundamental to make sure you check the policy you are buying for yourself or a family member. Once you have found the one that fits your budget, check the quotes again properly because sometimes the comparison websites can go with an assumption on the average costs that a particular provider offers and not the exact amount. Another important thing to check is the coverage itself. Ask yourself a few questions; is it suitable for your needs? is a courtesy car included in cases where yours is in the garage? Does adding drivers to the policy, cut the cost?
We hope this piece of information helps you in finding the best and most reasonable quotes for your preferences. Rather be safe than sorry!